Thursday, October 23, 2008

Toughin It Out

Well, I'm making it thru the week. I didn't win the raffle for the free IVF cycle, so that's gone w/ the wind. I didn't expect to, but it would have been a nice surprise.

This week would have been my due date week (depending on which calculator you use). It was somewhere between Oct. 18th and 24th. So I'm trying to not get too sad. I may need an extra dose of Celexa though. A guy at work (did I mention I've gone back to work - it's great, really... gravy paycheck and all)...anyway, his wife is bringing their 4 month old by in a little bit. She's brought him by a couple of times, and I've struggled thru with a smile on my face. Hopefully today will be the same, but it's still hard.

I need to get back into reading others blogs. I miss keeping up with others, but then again, I tend to get too wrapped up into it.

Anyway, bye for now.

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