Friday, September 28, 2007

The day before my 2nd LAP

So, I'm wondering through the grocery store getting last minute things so I won't have to worry about it post-op. Things like... milk, eggs, sugar... beer. Oh yeah, can't forget the beer. My husband would have a caniption fit. So anyway, I had been talking on the phone back and forth with the RE's office and the hospital people trying to nail down how much $ this surgery was gonna be. And since I would be a "self pay" then hopefully I could get a discount. Well the girl at the RE's office kept wanting to run it thru the insurance even though I told her that my insurance, after finding out about my 1st LAP and my IF, put a big fat Rider of Infertility on my policy. Anyway, the girl from the hospital finally called (the day before the big event - can't back out now) and told me it would cost $13 thousand... something, something and 52 cent (i've lost the little piece of paper that i had written this on)... and this was with the 40% dicount for being self-pay. And this didn't include the Anesthesiologist or my Dr.'s fee. So after I pick myself up off the grocery store floor, I ask her what I needed to do, how much do I need to put down on this. She told me 15% and that I could put it on a credit card. So, I frantically dig in my purse for the card and read her the numbers and all and we hung up and all was ok. But at that point I had to beeline it out of there (oh wait, had to get beer)... got to my car and just lost it pretty much. I gathered myself up (i'm getting pretty good at this) and drove home, took valium and a nap. When I woke up, I felt much better and figured, "well, it's too late to back out now. We'll just figure it out later."

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