Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Well... it's getting closer to IVF time! Oh boy! I'm ready, but I'm not ready (if you know what I mean). I called the nurse at the RE's office and asked her if I should be taking a vitamin of some sort. She just told me to take a multi-vitamin like 1 A Day. Anyway, AF is due to show up next Wednesday, Dec. 5th and then I will start BCP the next day and call to set up the 1st appointment... yeaaaaa!!!

Oh, on a lighter note... my husband told me the other night that if we do have kids, he doesn't want me to cook while he's not here... HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA... he thinks I'm gonna burn the house down. It's just that I multi-task so much and get side tracked. I'm not that bad really, and I CAN cook. It's just that I would think that while he's standing there in the kitchen drinking a beer looking at the pot about to boil over, it might cross his mind to turn it down... HELLO. He's the one who cooks everything on wide-azz-open. You know how you're supposed to test your smoke detectors when the time changes? Well, ours gets tested everytime he cooks. People think I'm joking about that, but I'm not. Anyway, it pleases me when he talks about the possibility that we will have kids. I just completely ignored the rest about my cooking.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

"Hardship Letter"

As if I don't already feel like a bottom of the barrel, can't seem to get to the top ... um, whatever. I got another bill for my LAP from the anesthesiologist. I thought (or was hoping) that his fee may have been included in the hospital bill. Although I really didn't think so, but I had just not gotten a bill yet. So anyway, it wasn't too bad... $984.00. But I decided to suck it up and call to see if they would reduce it some if I paid right then and there over the phone. The lady was very nice on the phone. I gave a brief pitch of what I wanted, and she explained that if I would write a hardship letter to the doctor and explain my situation, i.e. unemployed, no insurance, etc., etc., and include other doctor bills showing where they had given discounts that the doctor(s) there would then meet and review my case and decide whether or not to allow a discount. She said (with confidence) that they usually do (if you ask). So what the hell... I'm off to write a hardship letter. Google, and google and yahoo... search, search, search for ideas and sample letters... with no good luck (at least not for medical hardship letters). Oh, I found plenty for if you couldn't pay your bills or your mortgage. So, I finally just start... and here it is (if anybody needs a sample - not that I'm a writer or anything)...

Dear Dr. B----,

The purpose of this letter is to explain my circumstance of financial hardship. I am currently self-employed and have an individual insurance policy with an “Infertility Rider” attached to it. It will not pay for any procedure of any kind connected to my condition. I have tubal factor infertility and had a laparoscopy to have my tubes removed. You administered anesthesia for my procedure. This is the beginning of my IVF journey, all of which will be out of pocket. I am lucky enough to have family members who are pitching in to help my husband and I attempt to make our dreams of having a family of our own come true. Therefore I am trying to save money where ever I can. I asked Dr. W---- and B---- Medical Center ahead of time for a discount. I did not know who the anesthesiologist would be in order to make arrangements up front. Dr. W----’s fee was $2,400, and he gave me a $400 discount for prompt payment. Also, BMC gave me a discount for paying approximately 15% upfront and then paying the balance within 120 days. I have enclosed receipts and documents to support all of this. While you review my account, please keep in mind the enormous expenses I am about to incur during my IVF endeavor.



So, there!... Simple, honest and straight to the point. Maybe it can be of some help for someone else.