Friday, December 7, 2007

The Ugly Pill

I remember now why I hate the pill. Actually, when I was on the pill before I had no idea. It was only after I had quit taking it that I realized what it was doing. It's not that I am all hormonal or anything, it's that AF is dragging on and on and on. For some reason it makes me have a long bleed (eew, yuck i know). I had always thought it was normal. I mean, I was a naive 20 something year old. But when I quit taking them, my bleed went from a light day 1, heavy day 2, medium-light day 3, then spot day 4 and gone! Now, I'm on day 4 and still medium-heavy with no end in sight. Helloooo, don't you know the weekend's here and that's our sex time??? (I say to my body)

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