Monday, March 10, 2008

Post IVF Follow Up Appointment

My RE didn't have too much to say other than it was just the luck of non viable embryos. There must have been something wrong w/ them. He referred to an embryo being like a cancer. It will invade and take hold if it is a good one. It was really a waste of a tank of gas to get there and back. Everything that was said, he could have told me over the phone really. Plus it was really, really bad weather. A tornado warning was issued as I was driving (in a big city i'm not familiar with). So add that to the stress of it all. Anyway, we are good to go w/ FET he said. We have 4 embryos and there is a 70% thaw rate, so hopefully we will have 3 to transfer. I just start the patches on day 1 and call to schedule day 13 appt. He stressed though to start the patches w/ very first site of bleeding/spotting. You know how normally day 1 isn't until actual flow. So anyway I guess that's where we're at and what I am now waiting on.

Oh, and he said baby aspirin wasn't necessary for me. Any ideas on this, should I take it anyway. I've heard so much about it helping and that it doesn't hurt to try it. I'd hate to go against his recommendation but.... you know the whole thing about me being my own best advocate... ??????


Jen said...

I've taken it with both my cycles and I don't have any blood issues, it's just my clinic's way.

And crappy luck sucks. Trust me, I know!

peesticksandstones said...

So sorry about this cycle. That's an unsettling analogy your doctor made -- like cancer? Yikes. But I guess it makes sense.

I took baby aspirin with this cycle for the first time ever. Was told that's just what my doctor does for people with a history of unexplained miscarriage. But I was kinda unsure about the whole thing. At least the pills tasted like candy...

Best of luck with the FET. Guess I'll have one of those coming up soon myself. Yikes.

Melanie said...

Thanks for your kind words. I'm hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. I am so sorry for your loss. Is it even worth mentioning that infertility just sucks?

Busted said...

I didn't take baby aspirin with my IVF.

Maria said...

Even though my RE doesn't think it's necessary, I've been taking baby aspirin. It has helped with the circulation in my legs.

Now, I'm really glad I canceled my post IVF appt.

Optimistic said...

I'm not sure about the baby aspirin, I never took it.

~Carrie said...

Sorry that your post-ivf appointment wasn't more beneficial. (you would think the dr. would have a better analogy than embryo=cancer!)

I hope AF gets here soon so you can start your FET cycle.

Can't provide any insight on the baby asprin. My RE never even mentioned it to me. I can't imagine that it would be harmful though?