Tuesday, April 22, 2008

1 day until Beta

And I don't feel anything other than AF type twinges/cramps. I'm hoping for a miracle. I don't have any sore bb's or any other pg type symptoms. I did POAS yesterday and got a BFN. It was not an early pg test, so I'm hoping it was just too early. I have been extremely moody, but I think this is due to this being IT (along w/ the estrogen patches). Anyway, at this point, it has either worked or it hasn't. Please let this have worked.


Bill said...

My thoughts are with you...good luck tomorrow.

~Carrie said...

I am thinking of you today and am hoping and praying for a positive beta for you.

Nadine said...

Still hoping for you. Hope it goes well today.

Maria said...

I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you today!!

I truly hope your beta goes well!