Thursday, April 17, 2008

I have CRS... BAD!!!

I can't remember shit!... CRS! I can't remember if I take my vitamins & aspirin in the mornings. The other day, I couldn't think of a guy's name (at work) that I talk to on a regular basis. I forgot about the PIO that one night... CRAP! I just had a panic as to if I was supposed to have put on 4 new estrogen patches today. I had to break out the calendar and count back to a day when I could specifically remember having put them on. I couldn't think of what those little red bugs were called (and I was even looking at a picture of one)... um, a lady bug... helloooo ??? I mean, WTF? This has been going on since before the transfer, or I think it did... I CAN'T REMEMBER. I feel like such a scatter brain, and that is so not like me. Maybe it's the evil progesterone.

I feel like there's more... but once again, I can't remember!!! hahaha...


Nadine said...

hee hee hee that happened to me too last cycle.

Telefone VoIP said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Telefone VoIP, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Azalea Baby said...

Great... whoever this is. You've caused me to need to moderate my comments and require word verification... thanks...

Maria said...

I just got a chance to read this and I am exactly, to a T, the same way right now. Not fun.

Thanks so much for your comment, you're so right hope is a bitch and she's turned her back on me.

Still thinking about you and praying really hard.