Monday, January 21, 2008

1st Follicle Count

Everything went well today. I guess I have 6 total follicles. He counted out loud to the nurse... "on the right... we have 7, 5, 5 and on the left... we have 5, 5, 4." I didn't ask any questions. He turned the screen my way to show me what they look like. It's so cool, my body is doing something "super" as in superovulation. Anyway, he upped my Bravelle from 3 to 4 vials and the Menopur will stay the same at 1 vial. Things are about to really get going... woohoo. And I will still do the 10 units of Lupron in the mornings. Next appointment... this Friday 01/25.

Still fighting the headache... Lupron, I guess.

1 comment:

Nadine said...

Good to hear that the follies are coming along! hopefully the headaches will subside soon.