Saturday, January 12, 2008

Piece of Cake

First Lupron shot... done! It was not bad at all. It did itch for about 5 minutes afterwards, but I just massaged the spot a little bit. Now it's gone. Well, there is a slight little bump there, i'm sure it's normal. Anyway, I just got through finding my meds their own little spot in a basket in the bathroom linen closet. They have been just hanging around on the table in the Fed-Ex box til now.

I am officially a member of the club. I must say, one club that I would rather not be a member of, but such is life. Up until now, I have just been talking about it. Now, I'm doing it, yikes.

Ok, that's it for now... bye.


Nadine said...

welcome to the club, glad to see your first injection went well, may you have many more easy injections.

Rebecca said...'re doing it...good luck!

Optimistic said...

ahh - welcome to the injector club. Glad things went well!

Maria said...

It's such a special club to belong to...Welcome!