Tuesday, January 29, 2008

3rd and Final Follicle Count!

Today's appointment went pretty good. Still only 7 follicles, but I didn't really expect any more. I was just hoping they would grow and they did. On the right, we have an 18 and a 13, and on the left, an 18, a 17, 2 - 14's and a 9. So, I am to do one more night of stims (3 Bravelle and 1 Menopur) and then trigger tomorrow (Wednesday) night at 9pm. Retrieval will be 8 am on Friday (we have to be there at 7 am). He said we should get 6 eggs and seemed quite optimistic about it. I guess that's as good as it gets, so I'll take it. I can't believe it is finally here. It is so surreal. Yeaaaa!!

Oh, wanted to mention... funny awkward elevator moment this morning. So I guess it was "Everybody Who Is PG To Go See The Doctor Day." And, of course, they all looked miserable to be in such condition (ARGH - rolling my eyes here). Anyway, there were three waiting w/ lil ole me for the elevator. When it finally arrived, yet another pg gal got off the elevator (looking aggravated as well to be inconvenienced w/ her condition). So, we (me and the 3 pg's) get on the elevator. They all hit the floor numbers that they needed. I hit the one I needed (which the RE's office is the only thing on that floor - so it's known for what it is). So, we all start up in silence (as it usually is on an elevator) me w/ my 7 quiet little follicles and they w/ their protruding bellies, and it stops on a floor below ours. One of the RE's (that I have yet to meet) got on. I guess it was from the surgery floor or something. He looked to hit the floor number and saw that it was already lit up. He then looked at each of the three bellies and then to me and my non-belly. Anyway, one of the pg's started talking to him, b/c I guess she was an infertile too and knew him. He congratulated her as the elevator came to a stop on our floor. He looked at me and then gave me a careful smile as I got off the elevator w/ him. Funny, what do you say at that point? I just smiled w/ my tired, longing eyes and walked down the hallway and into the waiting room. All in all, I guess looks can be deceiving, b/c one of the pg's was actually an infertile.

Edited: I need to add that the pg infertile's face lit up when she started talking to the RE. She was so proud. And inside, I was proud for her...


Rebecca said...

Just think...you could be deceiving people one day too. Weird, right?

Optimistic said...

Yeaaa - Trigger tomorrow!! I'll be thinking about you and your follies!

~Carrie said...

Oh, to experience the 'aggravation' of being pregnant! Anyway, those are good follie sizes - I hope you have a superb retrieval Fri.

Azalea Baby said...

Thanks ladies... I can't wait. I need to add that the pg infertile's face lit up when she started talking to the RE. She was so proud. And inside, I was proud for her...

Maria said...

YAY trigger tonight!! This is so exciting!!!

It's funny how our opinions change about a preggo when we find out she was an infertile too.

Frenchie said...

Hey, just came over from Cyclesista...wishing you luck!