Monday, January 14, 2008


Oh, I forgot to mention that when I got the results of the SA this past Friday, the nurse made the statement that the number of sperm was good, but the shape of some of them was not too good. She also said they weren't bad but that we may have to do ICSI which will be an additional $1,500... Great! Wonderful! (I'm being sarcastic & rolling my eyes here.)

But on a positive note, our HIV and Hepatitis tests were negative... YEAAA! (Not that we were really worried - but we weren't worried about the SA either and look where that has gotten us.)

Thanks you guys for all the wonderful and supportive comments.


Nadine said...

Sorry to hear that there is morph issues, but isci is a great technology :)

Maria said...

So sorry to hear about the morphology. That stink that ICSI costs so much, but it really has great results!!

Optimistic said...

Congrats on the negative disease results! ha ... we have to have a little fun during all this crap! Don't ya just love all the "extras" that come about during this...