Monday, January 28, 2008

2nd Follicle Count

Ok, I called the nurse this morning to find out what my E2 was from Friday and to get a re-rundown of my follicles and lining. My E2 was 358 and lining was a 7T (which she said was progressing good). My follicles were, on the right, a 13 and a 7 (don't know what happened to the 3rd one from before - maybe it was hiding), and on the left, a 9, 10, 2 - 8's and a 7. Anyway, I'm feeling better about the number of follicles, because maybe they'll be really good quality and like everyone says, "it only takes one."


Optimistic said...

Great news! Looks like everything is going the way you need.

Nadine said...

Looks nice, especially how most of the follies are around the same size.