Monday, January 7, 2008

Bloodwork and SA

Tomorrow we go to the RE's office for some mandatory testing. DH gets to supply a specimen for a semen analysis, and we both get to give some blood for HIV screening and Hepatitis panel testing. He is hoping that I will get to go in the little room with him to "help" produce his specimen, but I don't think I will be allowed in there. Either way, it's one more step in this process that is finally here. I just have a question... how the hell am I supposed to concentrate on work or anything else. This is just so all consuming, argh! Oh well, it's exciting more though. One good thing is that the weather has warmed back up... thankfully! We worked in the yard yesterday in shorts and flip-flops..... YEAAA! (yeaaa to the shorts and flip-flops, no yeaaa to the yard work - friggin leaves!)


Optimistic said...

Good Luck today! I know what you mean... I'm at work now but I'm definitely NOT here mentally! They asked me if I wanted to go in and help DH when he gave his sample... so you might be in luck :)!

Nadine said...

sooo how did it go? Did you go into the little room?? Apparently the sample room doubles as a coffee room in my clinic, my dh was telling me he felt liking making a cup of coffee when he was done.