Wednesday, February 6, 2008

2dp3dt or 5dpo

Well, PIO shot was a bit uncomfortable this morning. I guess my right side is just more sensitive or something. Left side seems to be the winner, but I'm probably talking too soon. Anyway, here is a website that I stumbled on years ago and just rediscovered it... The Visible Embryo. It is really neat and informative. I am here. Let's hope this is beginning to happen.

Does anyone have any suggestions or opinions about whether to eat or not eat pineapple for implantation? It's too late if you say to not eat it, b/c I had some yesterday and today, as well as this past weekend.


Unknown said...

i think we're exactly on track with each other. I had transfer on monday. my right side is sore this morning from my PIO shot. this doesn't normally happen.
I ate pineapple for lunch today! I hear it's good in smallish doses. so I'll eat it maybe a few times a week, i am thinking.
heather (

Optimistic said...

I like that site - really neat! I'm not sure about the pineapple. Although I've read many forums where women swear by it.

~Carrie said...

What a cool picture of the transfer! Thank you for sharing that and the Visible Embryo web site.
I don't know much anout the pineapple thing.
I hope this 2ww goes by quickly for you. And thanks for tagging me. I still need to get that post up :)