Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sittin Round...

Waiting on 2 pink lines. I have been singing that song all afternoon. Anyway, I broke down and bought a 3 pack FRER. Just did one and 2 pink lines... yeaaaa! (afternoon pee). The test line is about 80% as dark as the control line. The cheapie this morning w/ FMU was about the same as yesterday, still pretty faint, but the FRER w/ afternoon pee is much darker. Here is a rundown of symptoms:

Headache - no
Boobs hurts - no
Blue veins - no
Cramps - not really, more like pinches and pulls
Nausea - no
Food Cravings - no
Fatigue - not really, yesterday a little
Backache - some, but I haven't been able to go to Chiropractor, so that could be it
Spotting - no, only once yesterday, otherwise not one bit
Heightened sense of smell - definitely! (or my hooha has a funky odor)... I think it's the heightened sense of smell though. I've noticed it with other things too.

I feel really lucky. I hope this keeps up, and I hope tomorrow is good news as well. I am now 10dp3dt or 13dpo or 1dtb. One day til beta! or better... 12 hours!!! They open at 7am and I am there (no appt. needed).

Total spent on HPT's +/- $40. Not too bad.

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day! One I will never forget that's for sure. :)


Optimistic said...

YEAH - How exciting. I'd say you are BFP BFP BFP!!! Good luck tomorrow, can't wait to hear the results. Happy V DAY!

~Carrie said...

With all those pink lines, you must be heading for a BFP!! Yay!!
I wouldn't read much into not having many symptoms. I still don't have any really except for a sore chest and some tiredness which can be chalked up to the PIO shots. I'm so excited to hear your beta results!!