Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Game Over, I Guess

Got the call... beta dropped to 137. Nurse said to stop all meds and wait for AF. I'm supposed to call next week to get another beta to see if it's down to 0. This just sucks big fat ass! Anyway, I'm gone from here for a while. Thank you all for your support and kind comments. They have helped so much. Congrats to all who are getting BFP's and to ones who aren't... I feel your pain. Now, I think I'll go crawl in a hole somewhere...


Unknown said...

I'm so very sorry. I've been there, and it really really sucks :( Take care of yourself. I hope to see you writing here again soon with a new cycle.

~Carrie said...

OH NO!! I am so so sorry. What an awful blow. :( Please take care. I'll be thinking of you...

Maria said...

I am so horribly sorry that you are going through this. Take all the time you need and know that we'll be here, waiting for you, when you come back.

Just know that you're in my thoughts and prayers.

Rebecca said...

OMG...I'm so sorry.

jp said...

So very very sorry to hear about this.

Busted said...

I'm so sorry.

Optimistic said...

I am SO sorry! This is horrible. Take the time to grieve and take care of yourself. Your in my thoughts....

Nadine said...

Oh this sucks. Thinking of you. Take care.