Friday, February 29, 2008


Well, I did it... how friggin' good does this look?

Please excuse the messy icing. I never said I was a pro.

All I know is, it tastes even better than it looks... yum, yum, yum... nuff said.

And, no, my slice was not that big. DH had a slice too...

hahahaha.... ;)


Rho said...

Seriously - I could do a face plant into that cake. I love love love chocolate cake.

I was just catching up on your blog. I am really sorry to hear about this last cycle, that just plain sucks. Hopefully your RE will have some answers and it sounds like you have some nice totsicles on hand for the next go round.

Busted said...

That looks AWESOME!!!

Optimistic said...

Ok - that cake looks WAY to good! I am going to have bake a cake tonight!

Maria said...

Okay, now I really need a piece of chocolate cake.