Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Holy Cow!

Got a slightly more visible second line this morning... but I'm trying not to jump the gun yet. I just went to the bathroom and (warning, tmi to follow)... had a clump of brown gooey discharge, yuk, i know, but there is no other way to describe it. It was just on the toilet paper for the first wipe and then a little for the second WTF wipe and then nothing on the third wipe. I wasn't sure which hole it came out of (sorry, tmi), but it didn't have the smell/odor (gross) to be from that one... sorry way tmi... hahaha... Please let it not be a bad sign. Maybe just ... i don't know... implantation spotting or, in this case, discharge? I have no other symptoms. I had sore bb's early last week, but now nothing. I do have a few pinches and pulls down there every once in a while, especially during the night when I'm laying there trying to go back to sleep. I had been doing good with sleep, until the past couple of nights. Anyway, here is the photo...

I swear, I don't see how you ladies can not POAS! You truly are strong women.

I'm at 9dp3dt or 12dpo or 2dtb.


~Carrie said...

AWESOME!! A BFP! The brown discharge could be anything - old blood, etc. I had a similar thing on the day of my beta - so much so that I was sure that I was headed for another BFN, and I was totally wrong. CONGRATULATIONS!!
As far as not POAS.. after seeing so many negative tests, I was too afraid of seeing another negative. I wasn't strong - I was just chicken!

Maria said...

YAY!! This is so exciting!!

Nadine said...

happy news I love it. we need some happiness out there in blogland. can't wait for that beta

Rebecca said...

Good for you! Can't wait to hear about your beta. Keep peeing (never actually thought I'd say that to a stranger)!

Dr. Grumbles said...

I am over here from ~Carrie's blog.


Hoping for a good beta for you!

~Carrie said...

What time is your beta tomorrow??!

Azalea Baby said...

I don't have an appt. I called and the receptionist said I could just come in. They open at 7 am, so I'm there! :)