Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I Hope This Is It

Because we are almost out of money... I never did add the last few costs since my itemized list of all of this. I need to add the additional Bravelle that I had to order... $499 + $10 for Saturday delivery, and then the $100 for Semen Cryopreservation.

01/25 Meds - even more Bravelle 509.00
01/21 Meds - more Bravelle & Menopur 998.00
01/17 IVF Start Appointment 9,560.00
01/08 HIV & Hep Lab & Nurse visit 120.00
01/12 HIV & Hep Lab fees 463.26
01/08 Semen Cryopreservation 100.00
01/08 Semen Analysis 95.00
12/18 Meds - Bravelle, Menopur, etc. 1,596.34
12/13 Sono HSG / TT/ Nurse consult 335.00
12/18 Meds - doxycycline for him & BCP's 34.12
Total for IVF $13,810.72

Now, let's go back some more...

09/27 Laparoscopy - hospital fee 4,739.08
RE's fee 2,000.00
Anesthesiologist's fee 492.00
Pathologist's fee 135.00
Pain meds 10.08
09/19 Pre-op 70.00
Total for Lap $7,446.16

09/07 HSG - hospital fee 708.60
RE's fee 250.00
Doxycycline 6.13
Total for HSG $964.73

GRAND TOTAL to DATE $22,221.61

$25K is almost gone... damnit! We could have used this money for so many other things, but if this works it will be soooo worth it I just know it! Thanks again MIL, and thanks to my Mom as well for all of the moral support. It can be just as important as the money.

I'm sure I'll have to update this list again because of the Beta test(s), etc, etc.


Maria said...

Holy moly that's a lot of money! It's so scary how fast it all adds up!

I'll be praying that this is it for you!

thegivingtree said...

Amen! I know the feeling. We are in the process of IVF#1 and we keep adding new items to our total daily. Not to mention the emotional cost is unmeasurable.
Hope you don't mind me dropping in to check on you progress.
All the best!

Optimistic said...

I know what you mean! When will everything quit adding up. But it will be SOO worth it in the end.

~Carrie said...

Oh goodness! I read your posts from last year about your insurance situation. I used to have self-employment insurance too - it's stinks. You mentioned that you did have an infertility rider... but they still won't cover anything?! What the heck is the rider for?