Monday, February 18, 2008

I Spoke Too Soon

See... I knew I was getting too excited about this. I just got the call about my second beta. It didn't double. It only went from 309 to 422. Crap! The nurse wasn't too happy about it, especially since it has been 3 days. She said it could be that there were multiples and maybe I lost one over the weekend. Or, she said it could be an ectopic. Anyway, she wants me to do a third beta on Wednesday. I did have some brown spotting on Friday and then some red spotting on Sunday, but nothing heavy, no cramping, nothing. I kinda figured the red spotting could have been from sex or from me sticking my finger up there with the Prometrium. So, after some discussion, we decided for me to continue the PIO shots along with the Prometrium thru Wednesday until I hear back from her about that beta. Ok, now how am I supposed to concentrate on work? Arghhh!!!

I don't know but my butt was doing really good with the PIO shots up until the past few days... OMG! both upper cheeks feel like they have been through a war zone. I'm gonna tough it out though.


Dr. Grumbles said...

Indeed, how could you possibly concentrate???

I am so sorry.

Unknown said...

ugh! i'm so sorry. I hope they have some answers for you wednesday (and hopefully answers that involve you being pregnant and not ectopically)

my beta isn't until tomorrow. it would have been today but it's president's day. lab is closed until tomorrow


~Carrie said...

Oh UGH - I am so sorry.
It very well may be a case of you having multiples and one didn't make it. You did have a high first beta. I really hope you get good news on Wednesday.
Why can't people in the IF world get a break?!

Rebecca said...

I'm sorry your ass is feeling so bad, but they are a higher concentrate, right? They suck!

Sorry too to hear about your beta...all hope is not lost though. Have they talked about doing an ultrasound to see what's going on in there? They would be able to see an ectopic if that's what they're thinking...why make you wait? Good luck with everything...especially your shots!

Nadine said...

hoping for good news on Wednesday!

Optimistic said...

I'm sorry! I'm thinkin of you and wishing for the best! It sucks that you have to wait... I'm sure you are going crazy right now!

Maria said...

I'm so sorry that the beta didn't double, please know that I'm thinking about you today!!