Monday, February 4, 2008

Picked Up Our Youngins Today

Yes, I'm attached already. Dangerous, I know. Transfer went well today. We have 3 on board and 4 in the freezer. I don't have photos of the actual embryos, but I do have a photo of the ultrasound right after the transfer. I will have to upload it later as I am in bed on the laptop. Anyway, the 3 that were transferred were all 8 celled, grade 2 embryos. The 4 that were frozen were also all 8 celled and 3 were grade 2 and 1 was grade 3. I am quite pleased with their progress. I even got a "Report Card" with all of this on there. Funny, they have already gotten a "Report Card" and they aren't even here yet... ha, ha, ha.

More later...

Oh, PIO shot sucked this morning. Ouch!

And, I've been tagged by Duck so I've got to get busy on that. Yeaaa, something to do during the 2WW.


Rebecca said...

Congratulations! Take it easy and think warm cushy thoughts for your little ones!!

Optimistic said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. That's funny your already getting report cards sent home! ;)

Azalea Baby said...

I know, that's what they called it... a report card, and it is on a 4x6 piece of card stock material signed by both the RE and the Embryologist... hahaha