Friday, February 15, 2008

This Just In...

I just got the call from the nurse at the RE's office.

My beta was 309!

Whooosh! Man, I feel much better. How bout that for a number? I was hoping for anything, but for it to be over 300, HOLY COW! And, I get to start the Prometrium suppositories tomorrow and then stop the PIO shots Tuesday. I'm not looking too forward to the suppositories. Oh well, I'm just so excited, I don't care. Well, it's official...

I am pregnant!

YEAAAA!!! And my Estradiol was 609 and Progesterone was 134. Now I get to spend the afternoon calling Grandmas and Aunts. Gotta go...


~Carrie said...

YEEAAAHHHH!!!! Your numbers are all really high - I think you have more than one in there!!! :-)

~Carrie said...

Forgot to ask - when is your next beta?!

Azalea Baby said...

I go back on Monday for #2... thank you... I can't wait to hear yours. :)

Azalea Baby said...

My bad Carrie.. hahahaha,,, hello, I am not knowing what I am doing...

Nadine said...

yes! that's great news i love it.

Unknown said...

hmmm. i just tried to leave a 'congratulations' message but blogge rdidn't like it.
trying again! can't wait to hear your beta #2 (and my beta #1!)

Busted said...

CONGRATULATIONS! That is such wonderful news. Such a high first beta!